Definition of Heat wave

1. Noun. A wave of unusually hot weather.

Generic synonyms: Wave

Definition of Heat wave

1. Noun. (idiomatic) A period of exceptionally hot weather. ¹

2. Noun. (US weather broadcasting) Three consecutive days with daytime high temperature of 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Heat Wave

heat ray
heat resistant
heat rigor
heat shield
heat sink
heat sinks
heat stress disorder
heat stroke
heat transfer
heat transfer efficiency
heat transfers
heat treatment
heat unit
heat up
heat urticaria
heat wave
heat waves
heated up
heath aster
heath family
heath fritillaries

Literary usage of Heat wave

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Report of the Annual Meeting (1879)
"In November the cold wave commences and moves down till the whole 4 feet is colder than the air by the end Of February, when the heat wave begins again. ..."

2. The Exploration of Australia by Albert Frederick Calvert (1901)
"The heat wave was followed by heavy thunderstorms and lightning. Roofs were torn off, ... The Recent "heat wave" in Australia. AN UNPARALLELED RECORD. ..."

3. In the High Heavens by Robert Stawell Ball (1910)
"THE " heat wave " OF 1892. ... This, however, seems to have been the culmination of what had been somewhat absurdly designated " the great heat-wave. ..."

4. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and (1915)
"Especially significant is the inference from the curves of heat flow- that in advance of the heat wave the rock is tending to expand, therefore, ..."

5. The Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society by Manchester Geographical Society (1901)
"heat wave—UNITED STATES. T) EPORTS of the Meteorological Offices in America have appeared J\ regarding the amount and extent of ..."

6. The Contemporary Review (1892)
"About the fourth week in August, England experienced in some small measure the effects of the great heat-wave. But only in small measure, because we happen ..."

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